We had an ultrasound a couple of days ago that told us we were having a perfectly happy, well proportioned little baby. Everything was working properly and I think we may even have another thumb sucker. I am working on getting the video on U tube so that everyone can see. We also found out the gender...any guesses? Come on....is it a boy or a girl? Or maybe we found out we were having two....oh goodness no...then I would also need a nanny :) We are having a healthy little....GIRL.
We are all very excited, (we would have been no matter what) but as Michael said, "At least we don't have to change our mindset". Yes...I would like for Michael to have a little boy, but darn it he is so good with his girls. And they simply adore him so why mess with a good thing. Plus, a little confession of mine, I have issues with changing boy diapers. I know, I know, it changes when it is yours, but I really think it would take some serious adjustment for me. So we are preparing for a little girl. Michael has even agreed to a name I like...MIRACLE! The girls are thrilled to have a real baby in the house and were very excited to find they were getting another sister. Laney promises me she will hold the baby all the time...that is going to be her job. So if I take the feeding job...does that mean that Chloe gets diaper duty? J/k Yeah...wouldn't that be a great sight. She is already trying to change herself. Thank goodness for Natures Miracle!! (It's a cleaning agent) I personally think it would be easier to just skip the diaper and go on the potty but I haven't quite talked her into that yet.
I am really getting excited for the nursery but I have to get my behind in gear. Time is running out. We are going to repaint the crib so that it is black...which will probably lead to the furniture also being painted. I am going to attempt to make the bedding...cross your fingers. I can't really find what I want so why not make it? Ask me how that goes in a few months :) We also are going to repaint the room, thankfully Michael is supportive on that one. I can start the painting project, but I am not so good at finishing. And we are also looking for bunk beds. So if anyone knows anyone trying to get rid of some....you know who to call. And of course, we need to get her some little outfits. Chloe was a little rough on the clothes area, so that gives me an excuse:) And while we are paining, I thought we should paint the bathrooms too. So what do you think. Is it do-able in 5 months? SURE...why not? Actually we are limited to the good weather so the paint fumes can air out. So maybe less...but Michael is superman so I am sure he can do it!
So wish us luck:)
Life on Purpose
4 years ago