Saturday, October 17, 2009

So what has been up with us?

Since I can actually think clearly now...I was thinking maybe I would update myself and others on what has gone on while we were in a haze :) Michael has picked up a new hobby of running which I love because I actually love to do that too! We have finally found something we can do together except he runs at night and I run in the morning...but some day. He ran his first 5K about 3 weeks ago. We were so proud of him. We tried to be a huge welcoming crew but due to diversions, we weren't too impressive. But we were there to support our daddy and that's all that counts. Here is a picture from behind of his big finish. Keep in mind I am holding a baby too. I know...should have brought the stroller.

The girls thought that because they got up early and were there, they should at least participate in for the good of the fundraiser...they played on all the blow up toys. Tough life for the kids I tell you.
Us waiting for him to come

Michael finishing up.

The kids enjoying the toys

Michael loves to run outside so he is gearing up for the winter months. I am trying to talk him into letting me show you a picture I took of his thermals...but I may not win this battle. Wish me gave us a good laugh and we like to share the joy:)

Chloe had her first field trip. It was to a park, but hey...she thought it was cool because she had some of her friends ride with us. And of course it is a good photo op. She loves preschool and her teacher, Miss Amy. As she puts it, "She is so so so so so Good to me." The kid cracks me up. She is getting to the age where she also likes having friends over. I love to watch them interact it is actually quite entertaining. And I have found it is impossible to keep this childs hair done. She is everywhere with no care in the world...something I just have to accept. But I love her adventuristic outlook on life, it is just rough on clothes.

Ava is just growing and growing. Too fast I feel. She is such a good natured and happy baby. She is sitting up and grabbing at everything. She has picked up quite the appetite and she really LOVES paper. She will find it anywhere. Her favorite is newspaper because it makes lots of sound when you crunch it and wave it around. She still gets a little frightened when her sisters come around but has learned that if she screams really loud, Mom will come to her rescue:)
And poor Ava has learned at a young age that if she sits quietly and real still, it will be over before you know it, meaning her hair of course. It really is amazing how still she sits while I do my braids or twists in her hair. It really is quite fun to see what you can do with her hair. There are some things she just will not allow, One: hair bows, two: head bands. Can't ask too much of the girl.

Laney has been loving school. She is reading like no other. We can't get her enough books to keep her busy. She loves it. If I have failed at everything else at least I can say..."My children love books!" It's like Christmas when we come home from the Library. We all sit down and look at the books we got. It's fabulous. In fact, if we dare to put them to bed without reading books, well, it just doesn't happen around here. She is making lots of new friends that is opening our eyes. We have been some what sheltered to the friends that live in a 1 minute radius, where I know their parents and are friends with them also. Not really ready to give that up.

Daddy reading to the girls before bed

We also decided that we needed to explore Utah a bit more. So one Sunday we were feeling adventurous and went for a drive to the dam. It was a gorgeous drive. I love the canyon in the fall. The kids had fun just being able to throw the rocks in the dam..that isn't allowed around here, so they were in heaven. Ava just likes to feel the wind in her hair. As long as she is outside, she is pretty happy.

And just in case you didn't's Fall! I love fall. I love the colors, the temperature, the smell. I love it. So therefore, it's time for some new family photos. I am so excited to get some new photos up and have an actual family photo. I tried to get a warm up of the girls, but Ava took a really long nap and the girls were ruining their dresses so we will just have to wait for my friend to take them next week:) But here is one of Chloe and Laney...just a taster for what's to come.

And finally, Michael and I are catching up on some well deserved Rest. I still have a 3:30am call, but he gets to sleep all night now. And the girls are usually kind enough to take naps at the same time so I also get a nap for an hour or so. Life is great and just keeps getting better!

A new found faith

Michael and I aren't ones that really enjoy complaining...yes we may do it at times, but at best we try not to. So not many people would know that our little bundle of joy has not slept more than an hour and a half stints at night. Mostly it is 45 min or an hour. We tried EVERYTHING! And let me tell you...I wonder if Dr. Sears even has children. When we were at our wits end...I asked our Dr. what could possibly be wrong with my baby. He was stumped and thought maybe some PREVICID. So we tried it and still no improvement. So when we are in dire situations where do we go? To Fingers...or Dr. Fingers we should say. Really his name is Dr. Hirshbrunner...but we know him as fingers. Why you may ask...because he can fix ANYTHING with only his two hands. True...there are doubters...myself sometimes included, but the man has literally solved every puzzle I have put before him.
So I took our little Ava wondering how on Earth he would be able to figure her out, but I should never doubt. He came through for me once again! It turns out she has a Hiatal Hernia that was causing other problems and keeping her up. HURRAY....we finally have an answer to our questions. Now can he fix her....OF COURSE! Normally the medical field would say that you need surgery to fix this problem, but Fingers doesn't believe in that mumbo jumbo. So he fixed her. People have asked me...hOW? Michael was a big sceptic and probably asked the question the most but my answer is always the same ...I have no clue...but he has. For the last four nights (I took her in on Tues) she is like clock work. She wakes up at 3:00am and at 6:30am. Some may say that is still bad but to a mom that has not gotten more than two hours of sleep for 6 MONTHS I say....HALLELUJAH! And she is not as cranky when she wakes up. All around, we are a happy household.
This blog is dedicated to Fingers...thank you, thank you, thank you! I can actually think clearly again...and those bags under my eyes are slowly disappearing. What would we do with out him? Hopefully we never have to know.

Friday, September 4, 2009

5 months already?

It's official. Ava is now 5 months old. And to all those who said she would loose her hair, I balk! She has it still and tons more:) In fact, I am so used to it that I forget how rare it is, and usually that is the first thing people say is, "Look at all that hair." And sometimes I feel like saying, "I do, everyday...isn't it pretty?"
But really, I have to say to myself, where has the time gone? I can't believe she is 5 MONTHS old! It hasn't been slept away I'll tell you that much ;) She has grown so much and her personality just shines through. Her smile I tell something special. She is a sweetheart and a pretty funny baby at that. It is hard to keep my hands off of her little chubbas. So I thought it is about time to posts some pictures of the girl. I haven't found a whole lot of time to post or take pictures sadly, but last night...are you ready for this...she put herself to sleep during the night. Yes...we are so happy. Maybe turning 5 months old means that she can sleep longer than 2 hours. Actually we were counting ourselves lucky if it was 2 hours. But I had finally had it last night. Nothing was working so I just let her cry. It was sad...but somehow exhaustion eased my concerns. And apparently hers too because after about 1/2 hour, she finally went back to sleep and slept until 6:30!! WAhoo...that is about a 4 hour stretch. I should find some wood to knock on...hold on...okay, we are good. Hopefully tonight we can do it again! So here are some photos of the cutie.

So much to learn and explore. She is getting to the point where she is grabbing at everything. Including our food! We have had many a plates spilled on us.

This was her at 2 months.

Just relaxing.

She gets this look alot when her sisters are around. I don't know if it is scared or just questioning my reason as to why I have her on the floor so close to them:) They are great sisters, just a little overzealous sometimes.

And Laney has started a love for photography herself. So I think we may be purchasing a camera for the little turkey soon. Our hand-me-downs just aren't cuttng it for her. But I am excited to see her venture off and discover new things.
All in all, we are so lucky to have such wonderful girls. They make us smile and laugh in different ways, but they each have smiles that light up my heart. And I am starting to think the saying "If Mom ain't happy, ain't nobody happy" should really be revised to, "If the baby ain't happy, ain't nobody happy" :) LUcky for us she is a happy baby.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

First day jitters

I thougth that that my first day jitters were over. After all, I am done with school for now and I have found my career so hopefully no more first days there...I was finally at a point in my life where we were comfortable. But now, I get first day jitters for my little girl going to school. My little Laney who is so grown up. Where did the years go? I can remember the day I had her so vividly and all the times we had just her and I, chillin'. I remember potty training her, comforting when she got her tonsils out, teaching her preschool. She was my little baby....and now she is going to kindergarten. But she is so ready. I was so proud of her. She got right up, dressed herself, started doing her hair....she was just so excited. Because not only was this her first day at school, but all her friends were in her class. What could be better?! I thought about warning the teacher but hey ...she'll learn right?
Quick it seems because they sit right next to each other!

I have to say I did get a little teary eyed as I saw her off and she gave me the biggest smile and waved so big and then was off to do her own thing. No hesitation at all, she didn't need me anymore :( She was ready for her next big step!!! Well babe, it was a big day for you and me. I am glad she had a blast! I missed her at home but am glad that she will have some fun learning with all those friends :0 I did ask if she made any new friends and she said, "Well, a girl came and asked if I would be her friend and then she wouldn't play with me." I suggested that maybe she needed a little warming up ;)

What a poser!!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Where's Chloe?

I find myself asking this a lot lately. Simply because wherever she may be, she is usually up to something. I love the little squirt, but man she can find trouble. Like last Sunday, we were all in the house, doing our own things when Michael comes in and asks, "Where's Chloe?" Hmmm...good question. We looked and Chloe. But then to our relief, our friendly neighbors drove up to deliver her. (Thanks Cindy & Jake) She thought she would go for a walk. Never occured to her to take her parents with her. Three things concerned me there. One...she got out of the house without us knowing. Two...she thought she could go for a walk without us even though I have told her dozens of times she can't go past the lamp post and three...she readily got in a car that wasn't her own. Guess we know what next family home evening will be about:)

Then just two nights ago I asked Laney (poor laney, my little runner when I am feeding Ava), "Where's Chloe?" "I don't know," was her reply. So I open the garage door and who do I find staring at me at eye level....Chloe. She had climbed up on the suburban and was just chillin'....enjoying the view I suppose. DID SHE GET UP THERE? and two WHY?!!! Some questions are just better off left alone.

Don't mind the hair do...after naps it gets a little CRAzY!

Small victories!

I am happy to report that Ava took two full naps in her crib today....without being held. (obviously because she was in her crib) That is one of those small victories. I was able to clean my floor, fold my laundry that has been building for WAY too long, play with the girls and exercise. I feel like a new woman! Thanks are a champ. Hopefully she will sleep in her crib tonight. Cross your fingers.

Monday, May 4, 2009

They just don't fit anymore...

Here I thought I was the only one having issues with clothes. One morning Laney came in wearing some jeans that were slightly on the highwater I suggested she go and change into some other jeans. So she came back all hurt and frustrated in some jeans that looked like tight capris. I couldn't remember buying them, so when she looked at me in distress and said, "Mom, all my clothes are TOO SMALL" I had to take a second look. She had grabed Chloe's new pair of jeans by accident and was putting them on. The thing is, she actually got them buttoned and on...amazing. I had to just laugh out loud which didn't make her happy because this was very traumatic. Then I explained to her that they were Chloe's and she still fit into all her clothes. She was very relieved.

How funny it is that even at a young age, it is still hard to adjust growing out of your clothes:) I myself have a VERY hard time with it.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Spring shots

Now that I have no hands I find it hard to take pictures as much as I use to. But when I get a chance... I JUST can't pass it up. These are some pics of the girls in their Easter dresses.

I love how their personality truly comes out in their pictures. These girls are the light of my life...

they make me HAPPY!

Easter hunts

The girls had a blast at all their easter egg hunts. It took the first hunt for Chloe to grasp what we were doing. She didn't quite get why we were picking up stuff from the grass and putting it in her basket, but when she saw all of sister's finds...she picked up quick. So on her next hunt, she was prepared.
The first hunt was at a park in Hooper. It was crazy, I don't think we will do that again. They just threw candy on the grass...well I could have done that with a lot less kids running around. But to their credit, they did have the easter bunny actually there, and that was fun.

Chloe a bit lost Laney doing her thing

The second was at Grandma and Grandpa's and that included breakfast so we were all happy. They had a blast at this one. Who wouldn't when you are surrounded by your cousins?

The fearsome crew...oh wait missing one..well two but one is Ava and she is snug in the house.

There's the missing one.

Working together...look at that.

Checking out the finds.

The third was at the church. I couldn't go to this one because I didn't want to take Ava out because it too included breakfast with a lot of people so I can't go into detail. But the girls came home proudo the their finds and Michael did a supurb job photographing it. Let's give him a thumbs up all around.

How cute is that? Setting off together.

So the girls were pretty happy with their finds. We kept the candy in the house for a couple of days then trashed it...very proud of myself. It was tempting let me tell you, but I overcame the candy call. You have to acknowledge the small triumphs in life. All in all, we had a blast with Easter, can't wait till next year!