Michael and I aren't ones that really enjoy complaining...yes we may do it at times, but at best we try not to. So not many people would know that our little bundle of joy has not slept more than an hour and a half stints at night. Mostly it is 45 min or an hour. We tried EVERYTHING! And let me tell you...I wonder if Dr. Sears even has children. When we were at our wits end...I asked our Dr. what could possibly be wrong with my baby. He was stumped and thought maybe some PREVICID. So we tried it and still no improvement. So when we are in dire situations where do we go? To Fingers...or Dr. Fingers we should say. Really his name is Dr. Hirshbrunner...but we know him as fingers. Why you may ask...because he can fix ANYTHING with only his two hands. True...there are doubters...myself sometimes included, but the man has literally solved every puzzle I have put before him.
So I took our little Ava wondering how on Earth he would be able to figure her out, but I should never doubt. He came through for me once again! It turns out she has a Hiatal Hernia that was causing other problems and keeping her up. HURRAY....we finally have an answer to our questions. Now can he fix her....OF COURSE! Normally the medical field would say that you need surgery to fix this problem, but Fingers doesn't believe in that mumbo jumbo. So he fixed her. People have asked me...hOW? Michael was a big sceptic and probably asked the question the most but my answer is always the same ...I have no clue...but he has. For the last four nights (I took her in on Tues) she is like clock work. She wakes up at 3:00am and at 6:30am. Some may say that is still bad but to a mom that has not gotten more than two hours of sleep for 6 MONTHS I say....HALLELUJAH! And she is not as cranky when she wakes up. All around, we are a happy household.
This blog is dedicated to Fingers...thank you, thank you, thank you! I can actually think clearly again...and those bags under my eyes are slowly disappearing. What would we do with out him? Hopefully we never have to know.
Life on Purpose
4 years ago
Wahoo!!! I am glad that you guys are getting some sleep now. I am glad that Ava is more comfortable now and can rest better. Hurray for voodoo doctors(That is our name for doctors like Dr. Fingers, not a negative name)
So glad you're both sleeping and you have answers. Woohoo for sleep!
You've been talking to Mailey too much :)
I think that regular western medicine by no means is infallible. I think it's so important to continue searching for an answer if "traditional" medicine won't fix something.
I'm so glad she is feeling better, and more importantly, SLEEPING!
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