Here's a picture of them before the accident.
Laney was running beside her cousin, Kaleb and their feet got tangled up. Laney went down so fast she didn't even catch herself. She hit her head on the ground pretty hard. Usually she just rebounds, but she looked at me with the weirdest look and on her way over to me she wasn't walking so great and when she reached me, her eyes rolled up in her head and she just went limp. She wouldn't respond to me or anything I did. Scared me to death. Finally after about 30 seconds, which seemed like forever, she started to rouse and to respond slightly. But if she tried to get up, her eyes would started going up again. So we packed up our stuff and headed up to the hospital all the while trying to keep the little munchkin awake, which became quite a chore for a while.
Luckily there was a doctor there that would fit us in. We had to get a cat scan to check to make sure no damage was done to her brain and go through some other tests. Again, lucky for us, 4 hours later, we walked out knowing our little Laney was good and healthy with just a mild concussion. We have to watch her closely for a while and make sure she doesn't hit her head again in the next week, but we feel pretty lucky. It is moments like that that you realize how many things you take for granted. I am so grateful for our two healthy little ones that can run and play and do all the things little kids love to do. And thanks so much for family. My sister was so nice to go to the hospital with me to keep Laney awake and to take Chloe while we did all our tests. Thanks Heath...your great:)
So that was our adventure for the day. The kids always keep things exciting.