I thougth that that my first day jitters were over. After all, I am done with school for now and I 

have found my career so hopefully no more first days there...I was finally at a point in my life where
we were comfortable. But now, I get first day jitters for my little girl going to school. My little Laney who is so grown up. Where did the years go? I can remember the day I had her so vividly and all the times we had just her and I, chillin'. I remember potty training her, comforting when she got her tonsils out, teaching her preschool. She was my little baby....and now she is going to kindergarten. But she is so ready. I was so proud of her. She got right up, dressed herself, started doing her hair....she was just so excited. Because not only was this her first day at school, but all her friends were in her class. What could be better?! I thought about warning the teacher but hey ...she'll learn right?
Quick it seems because they sit right next to each other!

I have to say I did get a little teary eyed as I saw her off and she gave me the biggest smile and waved so big and then was off to do her own thing. No hesitation at all, she didn't need me anymore :( She was ready for her next big step!!! Well babe, it was a big day for you and me. I am glad she had a blast! I missed her at home but am glad that she will have some fun learning with all those friends :0 I did ask if she made any new friends and she said, "Well, a girl came and asked if I would be her friend and then she wouldn't play with me." I suggested that maybe she needed a little warming up ;)

What a poser!!