Friday, March 7, 2008

March is here!

I tell you, it seems like the days just fly by. And I have to admit, I would blog more if I weren't so darn lazy! I'm going to have to get over that. Really it is just the resizing of the pics...but all is well, we have tons to show today.
So Michael is away for a week, which wouldn't be so bad except it includes a it is from Tues-Wed and that is a very long time. We like having him around a little too much. But we are trying our best to have fun.
Our first event was Laney's first date...not really, but it was sure cute. Our neighbor, who I guess is going to be the boy Laney marries (her prince charming for now) came to pick her up in his cadillac (he rides in style) and they took a spin around the neighborhood having a blast. They are so cute when they play in their cars. They take turns driving each other and even make room for the Chloe-meister some times. So here are some pics from that.
here's the lucky boy.
Our second adventure was Laney's field trip to the Planetarium. They had a lot of fun there. Chloe LOVED the movie that we watched, Laney was a bit scared. It was so realistic that she actually thought we had left Earth and were exploring the universe. I have to admit, it was pretty realistic. I at times thought we were actually moving.
After the movie, we went to explore the museum. The kids had fun walking on Mars.

And the moon.

And seeing the space suit was pretty neat. They could look into telescopes at the moon and planets. It was a fun place to go. We also saw a big map where the kids all did a pose. Look at Chloe...she is so funny. She so thinks she is one of the big kids and they are pretty good at including her. So funny. And she is a climber!! She is going to check out the world.

After that we went to lunch with Michael. That was fun for the girls to go see him during the day. They always like to visit him.
Oh...and I promised pics of the girls and their basketball hoop but instead I got the one that uses it the most. We need to get him a real basketball hoop!
SO lately it has been a little too cold to go out and play but the kids are sick and tired of being cooped up. And it looks so decieving because it looks SO beautiful outside. So here are a few pics, they look out of focus because I was playing with my new camera and its features. Chloe and her glasses and gloves. That's all she needs.laney dancing in the morning.
Oh, and Chloe has decided that eating at the table is highly overrated. She has discovered a better way...whatever works.
Our days are pretty eventful as you can see. Between the Library days, Preschool, playdates...who has time to get bored :) But we miss our daddy and that is really why you all get the run down because we are updating Michael. By the way, last Tuesday I had a mishap with my hair. It got butchered. It was very traumatic in our house...but today, we got it fixed and life is good. I am no longer on suicide watch lol! J/k
So I am sending a picture to me hubby to let know...all is well and it looks GOOD! It is safe to come home again :) Love you babe!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Your hair turned out great! I thought you already looked great. You are beautiful. I miss you tons. I can't wait to get back home to be with you and the girls.

Love you.