Since I can actually think clearly now...I was thinking maybe I would update myself and others on what has gone on while we were in a haze :) Michael has picked up a new hobby of running which I love because I actually love to do that too! We have finally found something we can do together except he runs at night and I run in the morning...but some day. He ran his first 5K about 3 weeks ago. We were so proud of him. We tried to be a huge welcoming crew but due to diversions, we weren't too impressive. But we were there to support our daddy and that's all that counts. Here is a picture from behind of his big finish. Keep in mind I am holding a baby too. I know...should have brought the stroller.
Michael finishing up.

Ava is just growing and growing. Too fast I feel. She is such a good natured and happy baby. She is sitting up and grabbing at everything. She has picked up quite the appetite and she really LOVES paper. She will find it anywhere. Her favorite is newspaper because it makes lots of sound when you crunch it and wave it around. She still gets a little frightened when her sisters come around but has learned that if she screams really loud, Mom will come to her rescue:)
And poor Ava has learned at a young age that if she sits quietly and real still, it will be over before you know it, meaning her hair of course. It really is amazing how still she sits while I do my braids or twists in her hair. It really is quite fun to see what you can do with her hair. There are some things she just will not allow, One: hair bows, two: head bands. Can't ask too much of the girl.

Laney has been loving school. She is reading like no other. We can't get her enough books to keep her busy. She loves it. If I have failed at everything else at least I can say..."My children love books!" It's like Christmas when we come home from the Library. We all sit down and look at the books we got. It's fabulous. In fact, if we dare to put them to bed without reading books, well, it just doesn't happen around here. She is making lots of new friends that is opening our eyes. We have been some what sheltered to the friends that live in a 1 minute radius, where I know their parents and are friends with them also. Not really ready to give that up.

Daddy reading to the girls before bed

The girls thought that because they got up early and were there, they should at least participate in for the good of the fundraiser...they played on all the blow up toys. Tough life for the kids I tell you.
Us waiting for him to come
Michael finishing up.
The kids enjoying the toys
Michael loves to run outside so he is gearing up for the winter months. I am trying to talk him into letting me show you a picture I took of his thermals...but I may not win this battle. Wish me gave us a good laugh and we like to share the joy:)
Chloe had her first field trip. It was to a park, but hey...she thought it was cool because she had some of her friends ride with us. And of course it is a good photo op. She loves preschool and her teacher, Miss Amy. As she puts it, "She is so so so so so Good to me." The kid cracks me up. She is getting to the age where she also likes having friends over. I love to watch them interact it is actually quite entertaining. And I have found it is impossible to keep this childs hair done. She is everywhere with no care in the world...something I just have to accept. But I love her adventuristic outlook on life, it is just rough on clothes.

Ava is just growing and growing. Too fast I feel. She is such a good natured and happy baby. She is sitting up and grabbing at everything. She has picked up quite the appetite and she really LOVES paper. She will find it anywhere. Her favorite is newspaper because it makes lots of sound when you crunch it and wave it around. She still gets a little frightened when her sisters come around but has learned that if she screams really loud, Mom will come to her rescue:)
And poor Ava has learned at a young age that if she sits quietly and real still, it will be over before you know it, meaning her hair of course. It really is amazing how still she sits while I do my braids or twists in her hair. It really is quite fun to see what you can do with her hair. There are some things she just will not allow, One: hair bows, two: head bands. Can't ask too much of the girl.

Laney has been loving school. She is reading like no other. We can't get her enough books to keep her busy. She loves it. If I have failed at everything else at least I can say..."My children love books!" It's like Christmas when we come home from the Library. We all sit down and look at the books we got. It's fabulous. In fact, if we dare to put them to bed without reading books, well, it just doesn't happen around here. She is making lots of new friends that is opening our eyes. We have been some what sheltered to the friends that live in a 1 minute radius, where I know their parents and are friends with them also. Not really ready to give that up.

Daddy reading to the girls before bed
We also decided that we needed to explore Utah a bit more. So one Sunday we were feeling adventurous and went for a drive to the dam. It was a gorgeous drive. I love the canyon in the fall. The kids had fun just being able to throw the rocks in the dam..that isn't allowed around here, so they were in heaven. Ava just likes to feel the wind in her hair. As long as she is outside, she is pretty happy.

And just in case you didn't's Fall! I love fall. I love the colors, the temperature, the smell. I love it. So therefore, it's time for some new family photos. I am so excited to get some new photos up and have an actual family photo. I tried to get a warm up of the girls, but Ava took a really long nap and the girls were ruining their dresses so we will just have to wait for my friend to take them next week:) But here is one of Chloe and Laney...just a taster for what's to come.
And finally, Michael and I are catching up on some well deserved Rest. I still have a 3:30am call, but he gets to sleep all night now. And the girls are usually kind enough to take naps at the same time so I also get a nap for an hour or so. Life is great and just keeps getting better!