I find myself asking this a lot lately. Simply because wherever she may be, she is usually up to something. I love the little squirt, but man she can find trouble. Like last Sunday, we were all in the house, doing our own things when Michael comes in and asks, "Where's Chloe?" Hmmm...good question. We looked and looked...no Chloe. But then to our relief, our friendly neighbors drove up to deliver her. (Thanks Cindy & Jake) She thought she would go for a walk. Never occured to her to take her parents with her. Three things concerned me there. One...she got out of the house without us knowing. Two...she thought she could go for a walk without us even though I have told her dozens of times she can't go past the lamp post and three...she readily got in a car that wasn't her own. Guess we know what next family home evening will be about:)
Then just two nights ago I asked Laney (poor laney, my little runner when I am feeding Ava), "Where's Chloe?" "I don't know," was her reply. So I open the garage door and who do I find staring at me at eye level....Chloe. She had climbed up on the suburban and was just chillin'....enjoying the view I suppose. Again....one...HOW DID SHE GET UP THERE? and two WHY?!!! Some questions are just better off left alone.