Monday, November 24, 2008
Just wanted to share the good news!
We are all very excited, (we would have been no matter what) but as Michael said, "At least we don't have to change our mindset". Yes...I would like for Michael to have a little boy, but darn it he is so good with his girls. And they simply adore him so why mess with a good thing. Plus, a little confession of mine, I have issues with changing boy diapers. I know, I know, it changes when it is yours, but I really think it would take some serious adjustment for me. So we are preparing for a little girl. Michael has even agreed to a name I like...MIRACLE! The girls are thrilled to have a real baby in the house and were very excited to find they were getting another sister. Laney promises me she will hold the baby all the time...that is going to be her job. So if I take the feeding job...does that mean that Chloe gets diaper duty? J/k Yeah...wouldn't that be a great sight. She is already trying to change herself. Thank goodness for Natures Miracle!! (It's a cleaning agent) I personally think it would be easier to just skip the diaper and go on the potty but I haven't quite talked her into that yet.
I am really getting excited for the nursery but I have to get my behind in gear. Time is running out. We are going to repaint the crib so that it is black...which will probably lead to the furniture also being painted. I am going to attempt to make the bedding...cross your fingers. I can't really find what I want so why not make it? Ask me how that goes in a few months :) We also are going to repaint the room, thankfully Michael is supportive on that one. I can start the painting project, but I am not so good at finishing. And we are also looking for bunk beds. So if anyone knows anyone trying to get rid of know who to call. And of course, we need to get her some little outfits. Chloe was a little rough on the clothes area, so that gives me an excuse:) And while we are paining, I thought we should paint the bathrooms too. So what do you think. Is it do-able in 5 months? SURE...why not? Actually we are limited to the good weather so the paint fumes can air out. So maybe less...but Michael is superman so I am sure he can do it!
So wish us luck:)
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
New Things...
So here is a picture of that.

The next thing that I am awfully proud of is me hubby! Saturday was another day I definitely overbooked. We had Stake Relief Society Temple day on the same day as our Ward Halloween party. Which wouldn't be so bad, except that we, the RS presidency, had to set up a miniature golf hole that we committed to doing and we also had to fix a soup. So I got up at 6:30 in the morning, an unusal thing for me and got ready. I have to say though, I felt something brewing that morning and knew I was in for something the next day. (It sooned turned into a bad sinus infection...ugh!) Any how...I was able to go to breakfast with the ladies and then spend a delightful morning in the temple, which was long overdue I must say. When I came home, the girls had been bathed, fed, dressed, hair done, teeth brushed and were out playing with the neighborhood kids. Michael was out diligently working in the yard cleaning it up and preparing the little island for the tulips and daffadils I was going to plant. So even though I wasn't feeling so hot...I went out and planted those because of his thoughtfulness in weeding it and getting it ready. But I then had to leave again to get the hole ready. While I was gone, Michael fixed his Green Chili Chicken soup that we love so much in mass for the ward and when I got back, we got the kids ready and headed off to the party. It was great to know that I could rely on him to take the kids when I needed to get some stuff done and it was really great to have a morning off and go to the temple. He even took the girls out to breakfast...which of course they had a blast.
This is the picture that greeted me when I was done at the temple. If that doesn't make your day, well....

Chloe was our little Tinkerbell. That's what she wanted to be and she looks almost just like her. It was perfect for her. it was also hard to keep that pixie still for a bit to take a picture...Jeesh!

Laney chose to be Aurora this year which also fits her. I love having these little princesses. It is fun to see them spin and have so much fun. Plus when they see another princess they get all excited thinking they are the real one. No matter that they are only say...3 or 4 feet tall! They are wearing the dress, they must be them!


Look closely, you might see Chloe slipping during the wheeley...crazy dad!

Friday, October 3, 2008
Search and find..

Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Christmas list

P.S. The pony stuff was on sale at Amazon if you want to take a look.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Disneyland ..we came...we conquered!
June was a very fun and exciting month for us....let me tell you. A month could not be more fun packed! It all began with a trip to California. Who wouldn't want to spend a few days with the breaking waves in the background, just relaxing and reading a book? And even better, to spend a few days with disney princesses? We had a great time relaxing on the beach for the first day. The girls just played in the sand and ran from the waves. I myself went for a quick boggy boarding escapade....and escapade it was. Too bad I don't have pictures to document. Bri, Whit, Madyson and I went out to catch some monster waves. But we were finding that where the life guards wanted us to stay wasn't the greatest places to catch the waves. So we meandered out to where the surfers were. If they could be out there....why couldn't we? Which may I say...the waves were much better out there (probably why the surfers were out there.) But before long, we see a yellow lifeguard boat coming towards us, telling us to get in. Bri of course just turns around, if she can't see them, they can't see her right. And what do I do when confronted, explain. We were just out there because the waves were better. That didn't fly...they wanted us to go in. So we caught the next wave in and had a blast. So much so...we went out again. We didn't intend to go as far...but when the waves a come a callin' you have to answer. So again, the yellow boat comes and says, "What did we tell you girls? Get in now." And just to accentuate that, they had a lifeguard swim out from the beach. How insulting...I had caught every wave in...did they think I was I said...the waves are better here and we can catch them in. Did that work....NO. They made us go in....what kill joys! So I thought that was enough humiliation for Michael for one day. It's not easy for him having me for a wife...but I love him for it.
I don't really want to bore with details...but the trip was so fun. We spent two days in Disneyland and California adventure....very needed. The girls had a blast and we really enjoyed ourselves. We saw a lot of characters and even ate with the princesses! The girls loved it and according to Chloe....Rella is EVER

See what I mean about relaxing on the beach...oh if I could have the beach in my backyard!
Sundays were a little difficult for us. The kids didn't quite understand why they had this big ocean to play with and they couldn't step foot in it. So they just got as close as they could without us telling them otherwise.
And here are our princesses! We had lunch with them so they all came around and visited the girls which made them so happy! And then of course you would sometimes get lucky enough to see them around the park.
And of course the princess fair where they teach the girls how to be princesses!
The girls playing around while waiting for a prade. A pic of the family in Pooh-vill. A panoramic of California Adventure...the big white building is Ariel's grotto (where we went for lunch).
We thought the boys might appreciate this guy. But someone forgot to tell us that this parade sprays you with squirt guns. Luckily we came prepared.
We had a blast at the theme parks, but I must say, by the end of the second day, we were definitely all tuckered out.